Women Department
The Women Department of LNBA-M which is one of the oldest departments in the ministry of LNBA-M was established in 1974. Empowering the women departments and through God’s love and Grace this department is doing a great job in fulfilling its call and has been the pillar of constant support for the LNBA-M ministry.
Our Objectives
- To impart christian principles, moral education and develope christian discipline an empower the women of faith.
- To evangelize women and usher them into ministerial responsibilities.
- To strengthen the ministry of LNBA-M
Our Activities
Area-wise women Bible class
Every year area-wise women Bible class is conducted four times in four different churches. The main objective of these programmes is to inculcate and impart Bible knowledge to the women of all local women societies under LNBA (M).
We also render our support to women theological trainees in the form of Women Scholarship for two individuals annually. Though many deserves our support, however this scholarship is targetted for the most deserving student belonging to economically weak but academically bright. Each individuals shall be awarded an amount of Rs. 10,000 each after the recomendation of the head of the institution where she is being studied, her local pastor and local women deaconess.
Committee Meeting
Women Executive committee meeting is held annually, in this meeting the need for upliftment of the social status of women and empowerment of women is minutely deliberated and discussed for betterment of the society.
Leaders’ wives Seminar
With a view to improve the socio-economic status of the Christian workers the Women Department organizes these seminars from time to time.
Widows Bible Camp: Annually this programme is conducted/held at Mission Centre to encourage widows and to impart Biblical education to them.
Self Help Vocational Training (SHVT)
This training is conducted annually at VTC, Tamei. The training under the guidance of Women Secretary, LNBA (M) gives courses in the trade of tailoring and knitting.
Women Triennial Fellowship , Women Quinquennial Fellowship and Women Octennial Conference: This programme is initiated and organised by the Women department of LNBA-M to unify and strengthen their fellowship in Christ and to impart Christian Moral Education to women, to encourage them to become effective women in their personal, family and social life.
Masenkamliu Pamai
Women Secretary