General Department
The head administrative office of the Association is headed by the Executive Secretary who oversees the function of the ministries under LNBA-M and the corresponding ministries with our partners and like-minded organization. The Finance Secretary perform the financial operations to ensure that all the functioning of the association is executed without any financial constraint by coordinating with the administrative head and the departmental heads.
Fulfilling one of the objectives of the association, the general department is devoted to empower the local church ministry by formulating administrative measures and biblical teachings. Correspondingly, the head office provides exclusive support to the local church and delivers the requisite trainings and seminars for the ministerial worker of local churches.
General Administration
Institute of Christian Leadership Development (ICLD) was established as a Training Centre for the local churh ministry workers and society leaders so that they can afford to be a trained leaders in the most elementary scheme. This training centre aims to impart leadership proficiency to all the churchs under LNBA-M designed with the most favorable season and subject matter. Programs that is being offerd at ICLD training centre are listed below:
- One Month Course for “Certificate in Christian Leadership” from mid May to mid June every year.
- Basic Course of Biblical Knowledge for ten days during August every year.
- Two Days Seminar for village leaders during October every year.
- Two Days Training for Youths, Women, and Men is being conducted separately according to the date which is being fixed in the Journal Calendar of LNBA-M from time to time which is organized and sponsored by the concerned Department.
- A Crash Course in Music is being conduct for ten days or half month on "Tonic-solfa, staff notation, keyboard and guitar" for local churches song leaders and interested youths.
Pastors’ Council
The Pastors’ Council was formed under the general ministry of LNBA-M and the Pastors’ Council is entrusted to deal with the problem of Local Church Administration and to organise Bible class, seminar, workshop, conference for pastors and deacons so that their church administration would be stable and local church workers would be trained for their ministry and also for their personal spiritual life.
Liangmai Theological Union, Manipur
It was also formed under the general ministry of LNBA-M so that theologically trained people could have a common platform and also have genuine common perception on Biblical doctrines by way of conducting Conference, Bible classes, Seminar and Workshop from time to time.
Peace Mission
One of the main ministries of LNBA-M is peace mission. Before the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, he said to His disciple, “I give my peace unto you”. The peace maker is signified as son of God in Mt.5:9; because of this, the LNBA-M has been taking up peace initiating mission in their ministry.
Literature Work
- A Magazine entitled “Maranatha” is being published three times in a year since 1974.
- Constitution of LNBA-M was published in the year 1996.
- Khristen Tien Thiumai gu Benthen (A handbook of Christian Minister) was compiled and published for Pastors and Ordained and Licentiate Ministers in 1990.
- Church Administrative Manual Book was published for convenience of church administration in the Local churches. It was prepared according to the Scripture in the year 2006.
- Sunday School books in 1999:
- A Teacher’s Handbook.
- Sunday school Books for Beginner, Primary, Junior, Senior, Intermediate, Young Adult.
- Revised Hymnal Books Printing:
- Khristen Madui Lui with tonic-solfa in 1991.
- Hiuna Khombui Lui with tonic-solfa (Soprano) in 2006.
- Khristen Luisan with tonic-solfa (Soprano) in 2015.
- Masanbo Bible Released with the BSI:
- The first Released of Masanbo Bible was happened On 2001.
- T.Pocket-size was released at Tamei during the Passover Celebration in 2003.
- The Second Re-edited Released of Masanbo Bible at Rianglong on 25.2.2015.