Men Department
The Men Department, established in the year 1991 is one of the main departmental wings of the LNBA (M). It is the only department that directs and leads the menfolk to take an active role in the social and religious environment so as to heed in the moral values as a Christians.
Our department believes in strengthening the role of a father, a husband and godly man. To attain our commitment, we design different activities in which our man could get it involved directly and indirectly in three manners; Bible Camp, Conference and Mobilization campaign. It si our utmost dedication that we shall glorify God in our manhood.
Important Activities of Men Department:
Area wise Men Bible class: every year this programme is conducted in four different churches with a view to reach out to all the members of the societies to impart Biblical knowledge and to be an effective father.
Men Conference: The objective of the conference is to impart good moral education to the attendee, improve leadership skill and to give a platform and encourage them to make an impact in the society positively.
Talent Scheme: To generate income and to maintain financial stability for various programmes and functions of the society ministry. The local Men society sells calendar, neck tie, handcraft etc. under this scheme.
Men Annual Meeting cum Bible Class: Men annual meeting cum Bible class is being held every year to sort out related programmes and plans for the yearly activities; the meeting is attended by local Men Society leaders and Office workers of LNBA-M.
Men Campaign: Every year the office workers/Men executive member visits the local churches to mobilize and encourage them thereby furthering and bringing progress in the ministry.
Leaders’ Conference: Men Department Organises two (2) days Leaders’ Conference at Mission Centre annually with an objective of building an effective and responsible leader.
Self-Reliance Project: For this Project Kawaluang village leased out land to open a farm (Teak and Gamari).
Rev. Ch. Ngourobui,
Men Secretary, LNBA-M