
The seed of the Gospel was brought to Liangmai’s soil at Luangdi Village by Rev. William Pettigrew, a Missionary from America in the year 1919. After that the Native Evangelists K. Namrijinang and Songal, Kom came to Taningjam Village to preach the Gospel, Maisiging Newmai of Taningjam Village converted into Christianity in 1923 and then Pariwangbou of Longdi Pabram also converted in 1924. Maisiging was then fully engaged as a local Evangelist to evangelise among the Liangmai. Through his hard work Kaijubou of Ndai Village accepted the Gospel and converted into Christianity as the third convert among the Liangmais in 1925.

The wave of Great Spiritual Awakening (A Great Revival Movement) happened among the Zeliangrong (Hamai) Christian in 1977-1978. And the mass conversion into Christianity took place in the whole the community of Liangmai Baptist Churches through the preaching of the local Christians by visiting the churches one by one from 1978 to 1990.  Lakpui Pejanliu of Bena Tabangning (Bena akut) was the last person to convert to Christianity among the Liangmai Baptist Christians in Manipur in year the 1995.

From the inception of Liangmai Baptist Churches, they were under the Association No. 4 of MBC. When Zeliangrong (Hamai) Baptist Association (ZBA) was organized in 1947, the Liangmai Baptist Churches were also one of the founding member churches of the Association. Liangmai Baptist churches were working with the ZBA for a long period of time. But  due to the need for forming an association  in order to have a strong  common platform of Liangmai baptist churches so that the language barrier in ZBA ministry would be solved and also to strengthen the local churches in the fields of local church administration, Christian education, secular education, Christian literature, community development, and reaching the unreached through the Gospel ministry of the Association, the Liangmai Naga Baptist Association, Manipur (LNBA-M) was formed on March 14, 1974 by procuring a piece of land donated by Chiang (Langmei) Village. It was officially affiliated to MBC On 12.3.1987. The following persons were the Pioneers of the formation of Liangmai Naga Baptist Association, Manipur (LNBA-M) as shown below:

            Mn. Rev.  I.D. Thuanbui, Namtiram, DBS
            Mn. Rev.H.Newmai, Nheng, G.Th.
            Mn. N.K. Sying, Tapon, B.Th. B.D.                                                       

The record of the hard labor of these Pioneers and their team members for formation of the Liangmai Naga Baptist Association, Manipur is a great achievement and remarkable event in the history of LNBA-M. Because of their vision and tireless effort LNBA-M came into reality.

Now the Liangmai Naga Baptist Association has been working progressively with the blessing of Almighty God and through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.


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