Mission And Evangelism
Proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost and reaching the unreached is the sole mission of this department. We are one of the Ministerial departments of Liangmai Naga Baptist Association that perform the role of making disciples and preaching His Gospel. Our department primarily aimed at the holistic transformation of the “every people and nations” into the Christian faith as mandated and proclaimed in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible through its expanded Christendom and by inculcating its values.
To fulfill the purpose of the Great Commission in which our Lord Jesus has commanded us, we are sending Missionaries and Evangelists in different states and even across our country. We have been able to minister into this mission through the supports from the local churches, individuals, groups, and through partnership with different Christian organizations in the world. Our department also effort to raise fund and sends Missionaries and Evangelists into various mission fields. Liangmai Baptist Mission has few sets of visions and objectives as below:
Our Vision
To send one hundred missionaries and evangelists before 2023. A.D.
To plant twenty churches before 2023. A.D.
To associate the entire population of Liangmai in the work of mission.
Our Mission
Nurturing new believers and empowering them by providing leadership training and send out to be church planter.
Feeding the new believers in the Mission fields spiritually and economically.
Feeding the evangelists and missionaries working under LBM. Mission fields.
To look after the weak and poor churches of LNBA-M and capacitate them to become a missionary church.
To established Liangmai Christian fellowship in all the cities of India.
Our Role
The mission department in larger spectrum is very holistic in nature. Here are the main roles in which the mission is actively involved. The harvest fields of the unreached are yet so vast that we cannot accomplish the task alone. Therefore, we continue to cooperate and coordinate the work through partnership with likeminded national and international mission organizations.
Partnership Ministry: We build partnerships with various likeminded organizations, Churches, individuals and groups for joint mission enterprises at both national and international levels.
Holistic Ministry
LBM is involved in relief and rehabilitation, healthcare, education, and developmental work for the natural calamity victims and poverty in the mission fields.
Research and Information
To update what is happening in the churches at home in missions around the world, LBM collects and disseminates information among the associations, churches, sponsors field workers and friends.
City Fellowship
We have been collaborating with Liangmai Christian Fellowships (LCF) in different cities in India. It is established to give pastoral care, spiritual nurturing and fellowship to reach out students and working people/families in cities from Liangmai community.
Cross-Cultural Missions
LBM co-ordinates in sending out missionaries both within and outside the country. It also sends out professionals and skilled workers to different places of work as well as to witness as tentmakers.
Evangelistic Consultation
To encourage the local churches and the leaders for evangelization, the department organizes an evangelistic consultation, where participants are explored by way of spiritual mapping of their respective districts, and by the word of God. It is an eyes-opening programme for the delegates to have awareness and knowledge of the harvest field.
Mission Conference
Mission conference is one of the major programmes of the department. We invite the evangelists, mission leaders and the church planters to the mission conference and give them more insights, encouragements and awareness of harvest fields and send them back to their respective fields with zeal and boldness. As a result, some churches have already appointed local evangelist to spread the gospel in their neighbouring areas.
Social Activities
Mission & Evangelism department feel obligated to walk some extra miles and be involved in any social-related crises/issues. It envisioned itself as an agency where social transformations and changes will come about.
Evangelistic Tools: Evangelist tools like tracts, and films are widely used in fields. And making extensive use of the Mass Media such as books, magazines, video and audio cassettes, television and radio in several languages to proclaim the message of JESUS CHRIST.
Rev. Anambou Newmai
Mission Secretary, LNBA-M