Centre Church

The LNBA-M Centre Church, Tamei was formed in 1961 under the leadership of the first settlers of Tamei .The church name was called Tamei Town Baptist Church at beginning, and then changed its name to LNBA-M Centre Church, Tamei in 1996. LNBA-M Centre Church, Tamei has been the Model Church of all the LNBA-M Churches, teaching and admonishing not only its members but setting an example in Conduct, Service and in all aspects of life to fulfil the motto of LNBA-M for all the churches under LNBA-M.   

Regular Church Activities

  • Home Crusade/Counselling is held every year during the month of July.
  • Home visiting is done every Sunday night by church workers.
  • General Early Morning Prayer service is regularly conducted every Friday.
  • Sunday school program is conducted every Sunday.
  • Vacation Bible School is conducted every year.
  • LNBA-M Executive Council Meeting and LNBA-M Annual Delegate Assembly is being hosted routinely.

Support for Mission Ministry

  • One Day Wages is collected every year from each member.
  • Financial/Material contribution from individual members.
  • Collection of Mission Saving Box twice a year from members family.
  • Firewood collection and sale proceed.
  • Prayer day for mission with offering by every family on the second Saturday of every month.

Youth Society
Youth service every saturday.
The society supports mission ministry through the church.
Thesociety generates income from their farm.
Christmas carol is conducted every year.
Talent day is conducted every year.

Women Society
The society has their income generated through tea garden.
The society sponsors one foreign missionary to Myanmar
Conducts prayer service every sunday.
Conducts a fasting and prayer program every Wednesday of the month.
Talent day is organized every year.

Men Society
The society has their own tree plantation for income generation.
Conducts prayer service every sunday afternoon.
Men society talent day is conducted every year.
Men society prayer touring to different churches is organized every year.
The society organizes a home visiting program to the members’ family.
The society supports the mission ministry through the church.


The church is fully functioning in the newly dedicated building with more ministry activities lining up every week to minister into discipleship and outreaching the gospel.


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